Realtime Thread Deform Modelling Blender

Want to deform these threads to plane’s deformed surface. And the deformation should be dependent of this plane.
Test.blend (824.1 KB)

Shrinkwrap should work.


There was this trick to bind the wanted object with a mesh deform to an undeformed base (grid for example) and shrinkwrapping those one to the wanted surface… (but i’m failed in a quick test… ??) .

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Shrinkwrap doesn’t “wrap around” objects, just casts the object in the direction (more like a cloth collision sim rather than “wrapping”)
I think it works better when you have the direction of deformation set to Z and straightly apply the deform, rather than at an angle

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Ah… it was Surface Deform on a grid and than Shrinkwrap that (nearest point) on surface…


Oops, forgot to mention surface deform :sweat_smile:

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@Okidoki Okidoki
Could you please share the blend file?

It’s just what i said… here: Test1.blend (1.2 MB)