Recalc Normals

Since the new radiosity feature requires correctly pointing normals (outward), I try doing that by pressing Alt+N (or Strg+N). The result is that the normals do flip somewhere, but neither do they all point outward nor inward.

Is there a possibility to say: “All normals please point outward” (and they do it) ? Do I miss some important detail?

Go in edit mode and select all the vertices of your object… That’s the detail you’re most probably missing…

Then Press Alt+N!!! And select “Recalc Normals Outside”…

From now on, all your Normals will point outwards…


No, I selected all the vertices, and ‘Recalc Normals Outside’ is the only option (I was a bit surprised about that).

I am still totally confused.

Any other suggestions? I tried it with different meshes…

Thanks anyway, Timonides.

I had the same thing when I was editing a mesh that had tio be subsurfed.

I think it was because I had some double vertexes on the corners for bevels, If the vertexes of a plane are all on the same line, Blender can’t recalc normals outside cause it doesn’t know where that is.
Just moving the vertexes a little bit away from eachother and then doiing recalc normals workd for me! :slight_smile:

You can also select only the offending faces and flip their normals. Then do Ctrl-A.


do CTRL+ALT+N for “Do outside normals” (outside only!!)

do SHIFT+ALT+N for “Do inside normals” (inside only!!)

Actually, it´s SHIFT+CTRL+N to recalculate normals inside, but my mesh must be messed up somehow.
It’s a character where I did some mirroring and normals flipping before, so I better give up on this one.

Thank you all for your help!

Actually, it´s SHIFT+CTRL+N to recalculate normals inside, but my mesh must be messed up somehow.
It’s a character where I did some mirroring and normals flipping before, so I better give up on this one.

Thank you all for your help![/quote]

sorry, must have typed wrong, I actually know this…sorry for your inconvience :frowning: