Created this fun scene of my character B-28. I had a lot of fun making this scene. Check out my short process video on my Instagram @jared_m_design
This looks nice!
I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!
First i thought: oh yes another little robot… then i looked a little closer… oh it mad itself a nice little home box … wait what ? … is this a teady bear ?? … ohh cuuutee… . And now i see: a new new friend
(too bad your other works are on this “please log in” site… but that’s more my own problem…)
Interesting how the story telling aspect changes by some tweaks (which are tricky enough) and a main revision of the main character… so the scheme of childlike chracteristics also works for robots… . So this is also an example for: advance is only possible while keep on working…
(So sorry for overlooking the old friend )
Cute, I really like the atmosphere
Your scaling for the robot itself is great: small arms, chunky legs, big head. It gives a perfect childish impression even before I noticed the teddy