RECKONING // Episode 8 Cinematic - VALORANT

Is Out! It’s a pleasure to show the latest animation that I’ve been working on.
I was responsible for Leading the lookdev team and did some modeling as well. Thanks to my incredible team at Lightfarm Studios and the amazing art directors at Riot Games \o/
Animated on Maya, rendered on Blender/Cycles

I hope you like it!


was everything modeled in blender also ?


This was way too cool. Better quality than a lot of recent Disney productions. :fire::fire::fire: amazing job to both you and the team.


We don’t have any restrictions to modeling software in our pipeline, for the environment we had some optimization using modifiers, and geo nodes to scatter some assets. most of the props were modeled in blender but depends on the modeler’s preferences


Thats really great love it

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I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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You’re on the featured row! :+1:

Beautiful work. Thanks for posting.

Excellent stuff, very dynamic direction & animation !

Awesome work!

Did you encounter any hurdles using Cycles for rendering? Like hard-to-resolve noise, temporal denoising artifacts, etc…?


Oh my god. Love it. I had no idea blender was used for making this. Awesome.