Red hair girl

[ENG] was a lot of time since I did my last character, my little baby girl born and I was very busy. But i’m here again, and i hope can do more artwork soon. This concept was made by a quick doodle that I did some time ago. hope you like it.
[ESP] have un tiempo que no público un nuevo personaje, mi bebita nació y ocupo todo mi tiempo :heart_eyes:. Pero estoy de Vuelta y espero poder hacer más diseños muy pronto.
Personaje hecho enteramente en Blender a excepción de los retoques finales que fueron en Krita.
P.D tengo unos Wallpapers de este personaje en mi Discord :wink:

My social network @bymikeart in instagram and facebook
My artstation:
My Behance:


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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Whoops, I forgot to add the link!

Hi Bart, thank you so much, I really appreciate it.


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Nice work. This reminds of the actress in The Queen’s Gambit.
What’s the story behind this?

The hair looks really nice. It’s difficult to make hair look real.

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