Every since my net access chnaged, linux won’t boot. It hangs at sendmail. I don’t need sendmail and it boots ok when I step by step refuse to run sendmail. how can I keep sendmail from starting? All I do in linux is perl and DVDs (Sounds dumb but Xine - D5D is free and there are no free ones for windows)
so which file would i modify to stop the runnign of sendmail?
If you are booted up, and into a gui, you could run serviceconf, where you could just uncheck the unwanted services then save. Or you could run from the command line /sbin/chkconfig --del sendmail , you must be root to do this however. Or you could simply rename it in the /etc/rc.d/rc*.d directories.
If you can’t get to a gui or muli-user, then just boot as single user by:
LILO: type at lilo prompt linux single
GRUB: hit E-key at the desired image, go the the kenel line and hit E-key again, add ‘single’ to the end of the kernel line, hit enter and press B-key to boot it. Then you can run chkconfig --del sendmail or rename it in the /etc/rc.d/* files.