Red Hat Help!!!!

Every since my net access chnaged, linux won’t boot. It hangs at sendmail. I don’t need sendmail and it boots ok when I step by step refuse to run sendmail. how can I keep sendmail from starting? All I do in linux is perl and DVDs (Sounds dumb but Xine - D5D is free and there are no free ones for windows)

so which file would i modify to stop the runnign of sendmail?


Hey, there is quite a few ways.

If you are booted up, and into a gui, you could run serviceconf, where you could just uncheck the unwanted services then save. Or you could run from the command line /sbin/chkconfig --del sendmail , you must be root to do this however. Or you could simply rename it in the /etc/rc.d/rc*.d directories.

If you can’t get to a gui or muli-user, then just boot as single user by:

LILO: type at lilo prompt linux single
GRUB: hit E-key at the desired image, go the the kenel line and hit E-key again, add ‘single’ to the end of the kernel line, hit enter and press B-key to boot it. Then you can run chkconfig --del sendmail or rename it in the /etc/rc.d/* files.

thanks - serviceconf ought to do the trick. I didn’t know it existed.

Annoying. In other news, how can i renew/release ip addys and such to fix my DHCP problems?

To reset the network, you can do the following as root:

/sbin/service network restart

Or to bring an individual interface up and down:

/sbin/ifdown {interface}
/sbin/ifup {interface}

To get interface stats and info:

/sbin/ifconfig {interface}

The network general file is /etc/sysconfig/network
The interface specific files are /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-{interface}

There is also little GUI apps to work on the network, but the command line is much more strait forward. Hope this helps! :smiley:

I have a Linux Q&A board at the Iptic Forums here:

Well, it’s empty right now, but I tried to make some topics that would apply to people here, but not specifically pertaining to Blender.

I’m sure people will recongize the forum program :wink:

Ummm, there are free dvd players for windows!

Media Player 7 can play DVDs, you just need dvd codecs.

Other free players are Maximus DVD, and Fusionsoft DVD player.

You just need dvd codecs, and here are some which work with Maxims DVD & Media player:

There you go!


If you don’t mind Microsoft knowing what your watching! :wink:

Ummm, there are free dvd players for windows!

Media Player 7 can play DVDs, you just need dvd codecs.

Other free players are Maximus DVD, and Fusionsoft DVD player.

You just need dvd codecs, and here are some which work with Maxims DVD & Media player:

There you go!

Zoom player works aswell. But Xine is ahellotta better than any of these.