Red Lamp

… Its just a red lamp… haha… it’s a little something I did for Art at school, I originally made the lamp, the subject for art was the colour red, so made made it red to save time :slight_smile:

This was the orginal

This is the finished product with toon shading effect

Don’t be afraid to tell me what you think :slight_smile:

I like the red toon shading effect.

I do too, that’s actually pretty cool, simple, but cool.

I would suggest working on the lighting. Since red is you dominate color in this scene you should work on the lighting to help with the contrast and those very dark areas. I would suggest adding some fill lamps with shadow and spec disabled because in your picture the light should be coming from the lamp but if you look at the shadow its on the same side that the lamp is on and you can see hot spots on the wall and on the sphere.

thanks for all your comments, and thanks for your advice, XPS(Chaos) , I actually thought of doing something like you suggested, but I made this ages ago and didn’t really know much about blender back then. I might continue with it in the future though. Thanks!