Redoing Old Work From Other Apps In Blender

Perhaps the first of many, this is a ring design I did many years ago in Lightwave. I redid it from scratch in Blender. It was significantly easier and faster to do in Blender.

I had a tiny bit of trouble coming up with an easy way to do the black antiquing on the ring. I ended up splitting the ring mesh into an interior material and exterior material, and then using a color ramp based on the distance to the center of the ring for the exterior half of the ring.

I also modeled a simple ring box. This was my first time ever actually rigging something in Blender, albeit very simply doing so—just a basic hinge with some vertex groups and weighting.

I took some tips from a lighting tutorial I saw online, but I still think I have a ways to go with respect to lighting scenes.

This is actually my own wedding band. Here’s a real photo.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

I redid another old design of mine in Blender. Again, much easier and faster with Blender’s modifiers than when I originally modelled it.

Another one…