Reduce edges on cylinder

Hi at the start of me learning blender I made a tub which I thought adding plenty of edges would be a good idea. Only problem is that obviously leaves me with a lot of faces.

I’ve done a bit of hunting but couldn’t find a way to do it easily so what I’m wondering (and this is probably so simple I’m embarrassed, and the tub is certainly very simple (but I had to start somewhere :slight_smile: ) anyway here is the .blend file

The tub on the left (blue one) I’ve manually removed some edges. Is there a way to achieve the same on the right tub (red one) without me having to go round and Alt + Shift + RMB each edge?

Thanks for any help and merry Christmas!

For an automated way, you can try to add a Decimate modifier, set, change the setting of it to “Un-Subdivide” and set the “Iterations” to 2 , then apply the modifier , it will already have removed half your edges without breaking the mesh.

Unfortunately when set to 4 for the next decimation it will break your mesh shape for some reason .

A method with better control would be to use the spin function to basicaly recreated the mesh and control the amount of edges easily, that is faster than alt-shift-rmb every edges you want to remove manually

Be in edge selection mode, ALT+Select that edge loop

Press CTRL+I to invert the selection, then press X -> Edges to delete the selected edges, so you’re left with the edges you had selected.

In vertices selection mode, select the 2 vertices of the extremties and press SHIFT+S -> Cursor to selected to move the 3D Cursor exactly where we need (as it will be the axis of the Spin tool)

Select all the edges
Go on TOP view (numpad 7) and click on the Spin tool on the Toolshelf (the big panel to the left of the screen)

After that, press F6 (or look on the operator panel on the bottom of the toolshelf) and change the Angle to 360

Once done, just change the “Steps” to obtain the amount of edge ring you wish

When you’re satisfied, select all, press W -> Remove Doubles (as the Spin tool will have created some) and press CTRL+N to recalculate the normals

A non-destructive method is after you have moved the 3D Cursor between the 2 selected vertices is to move the Origin to the 3D Cursor (in Object mode, on toolshelf , click on the Set Origin button and "Origin to 3D Cursor) as the origin will be used as the center of the screw calculation .
add then a Screw Modifier instead of using the Spin tool, Angle 360l and change the steps to what you want, when using the Screw modifier you do not need to be on TOP view for that case.

In edit mode, edge select:
Ctrl-Alt-RMB on vertical edge; menu Select - > Checker Deselect. Menu Select -> Edge Loops; Delete ->Edge Loops.
If you repeat this sequence quickly 2 or 3 times…

…Or adjust parameters of that Checker Deselect and get 'em all at once :wink:

Before posting i thought about simply selecting edge rings and using the checker deselect but the results on the blend of the 1st post were not what i expected at all.
So could you guys elaborate on how you do it with the checker deselect ?

On that particular cylinder:

  • edge selection mode, select an edge ring
  • checker deselect, options, “Nth Selection: 2”, “Offset: 3”, “Skip: 3”
  • Select -> Edge Loops
  • Delete -> Edge Loops

This results in exactly the same cylinder as the other one.

Ah thanks for the precision, that was the step i wasn’t doing correctly, i was selecting the loop itself before Select -> Edge Ring, not just a single edge, and then the checker deselect couldn’t deal with what i wanted after that.

@ Stan Pancakes: For me this deleted almost all object - short circle edges got selected too. Maybe i was still in vertex selection mode, idk, so i went with what was safe ;). Does not take long to get to the cube shape anyways.

Hey thanks for the really comprehensive replies on this. I’m going to have a play with them over the next couple of weekends and get something new learned - thank you!