reference pic problem

I’m trying to make a character from reference pictures like this guy( The only problem is, the only pictures I have of the character aren’t like the reference pics the guy used. And, I can’t make my reference pics, because all I can manage are Kirby-like doodles.
How do I solve this problem? And no, you can’t make reference pics for me.
included are some pics of the character.


How do I solve this problem?
Reference images do not need to be perfect, that’s why you were born with a brain capable of imagination.

if references were perfect then 123d catch would have done your job just fine,
but it can’t

you are an artists, so just fill in the blanks yourself.

  1. ive never made a model before
  2. this is an example of my drawing limits.

im a n00b, and this is all i can draw[ATTACH=CONFIG]400171[/ATTACH]

how do i delete a msg? i sent 2 with the same subject twice!

Search for good reference images of another character and adjust that or pactice modelling this other character until you are confident enough to be able to model any other character with minimal references.

Don’t expect to be modelling something like that immediately. Take and hour modelling practice every day and possibly in 6 months you may be proficient enough to model with the reference images you have

Drawing characters actually start at stickman level, basically you just have the learn the proportions.I would link you to the free tutorial on CGCookie but the site is too hard to navigate these days so i abandoned it.

i could navigate it. where is it dcbloodhound?

On the “concept cookie” sub site, the tutorial had thumbnail of a red hair tomboy sitting on a mysterious object.

I learned tons from that tutorial when i started out with drawing.

is this the one? (oh, and i think the word you were looking for was red-haired punk you have to go to the very bottom to see it.).

No it was a different one:
This used to be the original link before they messed up the site:

This is one of the pictures that was included in the tutorial.

i just realized something… i dont want to learn advanced drawing… im thankful for the drawing skills that i have now. heck, that drawing demostrating my drawing capabilities is what i enjoy drawing.
so, i may not make that model, but at least i can make some snazzy art. :slight_smile:

You don’t have to learn advanced drawing to draw a good reference, heck even the drawing in your OP would be easy to model (except for the face, that can be solved if you practice face topology/geometry with trail and error and then develop your own to fit the model)

I’m also not good with art but i’ve always liked drawing, i tried getting some basic proportions right using a reference and drew this a few years ago:

is that supposed to be zoro and luffys gear second?!?! thats a good drawing!!! :smiley:

Yeah it is, i still have to catch up on Once Piece though.

Here is the tut