Reflections have blank colour or nothing near edge of viewport, why?

Why do reflections (specifically SSRs) have a blank colour or nothing near the edge of the viewport? This looks unsightly for water or ice, and how can I fix this so I can have SSRs that go to the edge of the viewport? I dont remember Autodesk 3DS Max doing this in 2005…

It’s important that you specify your render engine when asking for support. Here I understand you are using Eevee, as this issue is unique to rasterizers and can be solved by using overscan. It’s in the render settings somewhere, it makes the engine render a larger image so that screen space effects aren’t clamped to the viewport bounds. I’m not entirely sure this works in the viewport as well

How to enable overscan in eevee and python?

It’s in render properties, “film” panel. You have to have Eevee selected as your render engine for it to show. I’m not sure what you mean by Python? If you want to script it, you can hover over any property and it will show the API info provided you have “Python tooltips” enabled in preferences.

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Does this apply to Eevee Next when it works on macOS in the upcoming versions?

No idea, you’d have to ask the developers.

I tried the Half Res Trace options, but it still leaves a line of reflection at the borders of the player even when all settings are at zero. Overscan does nothing. I am trying to eliminate the reflection border, so is this possible, or am I stuck, as this is very unnatural for refraction.

What’s the player ?

If overscan doesn’t help, please share more details from your .blend file, or share your .blend file itself.

By “player”, I meant UPBGE’s player and also Blenderplayer. If I use SSRs and a Glass BDSF to create refraction, there will be a border of reflection at the edges of the window that you can’t seem to get rid of that is very unsightly. Most games do not have this kind of “reflection border” or “reflection deadzone” at the end of the window.

The reflection in the game goes up to the edge of the game window regardless of the game window. It must be something to do with Eevee, but how to remove the reflection borders in the game and make the reflection/refraction extend to the edges of the game window?

As before, setting half-res to nothing in the options does help, but there is still a thin border of reflection and no refraction. Overscan does not work in UPBGE, unfortunately.

Yes, my bad I didn’t realize we were in the game engine section. I cannot find a mention of “overscan” in the docs ( so if it doesn’t work, it’s probably accidental. Or maybe your issue comes from something else entirely, but your description really sounds like the absence of overscan. I cannot help further, good luck