Regernerate rig allways centered to the cener of the scene

Hi Everyone,

I’m trying to give a certain pose to a character. I created an armature moving the bones to the appropriate places, then I used the re generate rig on my armature but it seems the center of the rig always goes to the center of the scene. I already used the ctrl A all transforms to reset center, Any idea where this could come from?


Yes, this is deliberate, your character should also be centered at world origin for rigging. (0,0) should be directly in between the base of your character’s feet for rigging, otherwise you’re going to run into problems. Move your character and then rig

Oh ok… so If I have more than 1character to rig in the same scene i need to place them individually one by one in the center, not really convenient :sweat_smile:

It’s not convenient, and you don’t have to, but you will run into pose/local/world space problems eventually. Ideally, you make characters one at a time, centered on the world origin, rig them, move them (using the Root bone), and then do it again. Or just don’t use Rigify. But with Rigify your root bone will always be generated at world origin, so if that’s the tool you want, you do have to center your characters at world origin

I think it’s usually best practice to model and rig your characters in separate blend files. Then append them into a new file for animation.

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