reinstancePhysicsMesh() does not seem to work on Curve geometry nodes

I have a particle system I made with geonodes that have the option of either using mesh or curves via a checkbox. You can set either a mesh object, or if you don’t want a mesh object, you uncheck a box, and it will default to a grid. You can even set their material and set up their motion to create systems like fountains for instance. All is well, except for the physics which is required for game characters, etc to respond to. If I turn on Physics Visualisation, then enable Static on the curve object with the particle system, my particle system does not have any physics which is bad for when let’s say, I want to freeze a game character from ice.

The only thing that works are Near Sensors, but these are impractical.

It seems reinstancePhysicsMesh() does not work on curves. But I am using grids that travel along a curve, and a grid is a mesh. So, is there a way to make reinstancePhysicsMesh work on a curve object, or something else that achieves the same result?

Edit: Tried Box and Capsule, this works to some extent, but only the curve, not the grids. Realize Instances does absolutely nothing.