Hello everyone,
I am triying to animate a storage system for a web view (Export to gltf model file, with exported Actions), but i am not able to get relative animations to work properly.
So far I have a rack with storage positions in a 12x6 grid. The Rest-Position ist somewhere beside this rack.
My idea was to animate the movement to and from a few grid positions in single animations. Then combine them with a single store and pickup animation, so that i don’t have to copy the redundant data. In the end the frontend developer can choose the actions and combine them as he wants.
To achive this, I made a Skeleton with 4 Bones. The first two bones move in Y and Z direction and position the robot in front of the rack. The second two bones are used to do the store/pickup Animation and move in X and Z direction. I have only keyframes the bones’ Axes that move in these directions, so that the keyframes don’t interfere with the other Animations.
My problem is, that after I move the robot to a grid position it jumps back to the Rest-Position then performs the store/pickup and then jumps back to the grid position and moves back.
So, is this the correct way of doing this? Are there any constraints missing or do I have a wrong parenting?
I have a sample blend File with my Armature (Objekt excluded), maybe this helps.
I have also made a NLA Track to show a possible Sequence.
problem_rack.blend (689.7 KB)
Thanks for any idea