Relax Geometry Node


Is there a Geometry Node similar to the Relax modifier in 3dsmax?

Recently I started learning how to develop Geometry Nodes for Blender and my first test was a Relax Geometry Node. I’ve searched for something similar but I can’t find anything! This is how it looks:

If there’s nothing like this I will investigate how to make it an open source add-on or something similar.

Thank you!

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Looks like the subdivide node.

Blur Attribute Node with Position as an input, maybe?
It’s hard to say if it does exactly the same thing though, but looks very similar…


Yeah, Blur attribute, but maybe not?


As pointed out , it looks like averaging the position of the points.
That’s probably doable with a blur node and set position.

From my understanding of how GN is developed, most of the nodes needs to be low level functionalities. Given that it’s doable with current nodes, A relax node might be added as a nodegroup, but probably not as built-in node.

If you want to develop nodes, probably the best is to get in touch with developers, they probably got a TODO list with a few stuff that you can look into.

That way you got more chances to make something relevant that eventually is going to be in master.


Thank you all!

Yes, the Blur Attribute with position is exactly what the Relax modifier does in 3dsmax… and it also blurs other attributes!

I’m still in the learning phase and I decided to develop a Relax Geometry Node to get a better understanding of how the Mesh structure works in Blender.

If you need topological relaxing, just project the modified/blurred vertices back on the original mesh.