Reload linked object with new elements

Let’s say I have a sphere in a blend file. I link that file into a scene. Later I add a cone to that blend file where the sphere is (as a new object), then… is it impossible to reload that blend file in the scene and get the cone in it? or is there a way to get it?

If you try this…
…then you will see that the link is for the sphere alone. It doesn’t matter if this “asset” file already inlcudes a cone or it is added later… to link it you have to “open” it again and link the cone…

Also if you delete an object from the linked “asset” file and reload you “scene” file then the link will be broken and replaced with and Empty to show you that:



Ok, I didn’t say I made my linked collection an override to animate it… is not possible to get these changes as an override collection?

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer (and/or edit the header ?).

( And i maybe because i’m no native english speaker i do not understand the second part of your sentence… question/statement ?)

So you are adding something into the hierarchy of your “character” and it’s collection and do have a library override in you linked scene… ? ( I didn’t used this myself yet… )

May you have to enforce resync like mentioned in the docu… or reload your scen ?? Also what have you tried already ?

You may have to elaborate this to get a more suited answer.

Ok, probably just an error linking the object since I tried it from the beginning and now it works… thanks for trying to help me to everyone