Remake of Joel Akerman’s "Red Door"

Hi Everyone!
I’m Ed and nice to meet you all :slight_smile:

I was trying to reproduce one of Joel Akerman’s paintings in 3D ( ) just for practice and to recall how to use Blender. I haven’t used it for several years and even at that time long ago I was a beginner. Now it seems that I have to learn everything from start :slight_smile:

Anyway, here’s the result I’ve got:

Many things look wrong and different from the original (like door itself, ghostly person, textures) and I will perhaps return back to it after some time and fix the mistakes. But the main aim was to copy the atmosphere and I hope I have succeeded at least on this part :slight_smile:

Suggestions, critique and comments are welcome!


PS: sorry for my English :slight_smile:

I like this image. I’m thinking of an animation and movements of the ghostly person. It would creep me out.
nice work

I totally love this. Great work!