Hello, I have a simple(?) problem for which I struggle to find a similarly simple solution.
I have a pretty simple scene which I need to render thousand of times while varying few parameters each time. For the sake of simplicity, let’s assume I need to render a single car while changing its colour and the surrounding HDRI. I want to use 1000 different hues and 10 HDRI textures, resulting in 10k renderings.
The scene itself is quite small and I can easily setup everything on my laptop. However, I want to use another (headless) machine for the renderings (in there I have a quite powerful GPU which would render the scene in ~1 minute).
At the moment what I am doing is to prepare the scene on the laptop, make sure to click on File>External Data>Pack Resources
, save my .blend
file and move it to the remote server. Due to packing, the resulting file is ~1GB.
This works for one model/car, but it gets annoying as soon as I want to render a second (and third, and fourth, …) one.
Am I missing something? How can multiple animators work on the same scene with the same assets? Do they use some kind of shared disk and super fast connections?