Remove Background of Texture

Hey, I’m trying to remove the green background of a texture, but I’m having troubles. Any help?

I can only upload one picture since I’m new, but my node has shader mix with transparent and diffuse bsdf with the image’s alpha, my blend mode is alpha clip. It’s not really doing much.

That looks like several that I have used, where when they set up the Alpha channel, they used color to designate what was the Alpha…
Grabbed yours and found out it is not set up the way I was thinking…In your texture files…is there a Black/White of this image? It would be used as an Alpha Mask…
Or in Gimp…set the color as the Alpha Channel…This one doesn’t have one…
But just to see, what it will take…use the nodes something like this…

It’s not fully transparent as there is no alpha or mask for me to use…if you set the color as the Alpha the nodes would be the same…or if you have the B/W mask, then that would be added and plugged into the Factor while the color would just go to the diffuse…

You can use the blender compositor colour key node it should give good results