Remove faces from Model without causing Hair Particle points to reshuffle

So i’m at a slight impasse here, Im working on some characters and model that utilize feathers, im using the particle system, generating the particles per face with my own Feather cards to do this. The major future problem im foreseeing here though, is that i want to create 2 iterations of this Model, 1 covered in feathers like normal, and another in a zombfied state where its missing parts of its skin and by proxy feathers in those parts.

The problem is, with the unapplied particle system (That i need to keep unapplied to brush the feathers) i cant really keep the hair particle placement consistent between the normal and zombfied state. Since any time i start to deleted faces to make the zombfied models, all the hair and child hair particles reshuffle slightly due to the change in vertices.

So is there anyway to resolve this? to tell the particle system not to update the particle points even if the mesh is changed. Im fine with having floating particles i have to manually delete, i just don’t want the emission points of the particles to change if the mesh below them is deleted.