Hello, how do I remove skin weights? I’m new to Blender.
1. I'm in Edit mode with the geometry selected, but the icon to select verts is not available.
2. I also selected the Vertex groups in the Outliner, but I cannot delete the vertex groups.
It’s the green triangle towards the bottom of the list.
Skinning in Blender is little different to other apps (like Maya). The relationship to the bones is done by the name of the vertex group. If a group has the same name as a bone, and the bone has the Deform option ticked, then that’s all it takes to ‘bind’ them together. As long as the object has the Armature modifier on it.
Those will appear when you go back into Edit Mode with the mesh selected. You can select verts (or edges/faces), and assign a value directly with those buttons.
Also, in Object Mode, you can select the Armature, then shift-select the mesh. That way they will both be selected, but the mesh will be active. That will let you also use the Weight Paint mode to paint directly on the mesh.
Weight Paint will also work without the armature selected. But if it is, you can Ctrl-Click on a bone to switch the active vertex group to be painted on.
Thank you, the weights are gone. May I ask a related question?
How can I delete the armature? If I select the armature in the Outliner and press delete; the geometry also gets deleted.
When you initially parent the object to the armature, it becomes a Child of the armature object.
You can unparent it by selecting the mesh and pressing Alt-P. Or while you drag the mesh in the outliner, you can hold Shift to change the parent, and drop it into the collection directly.
You can do that anyway, even when the armature is influencing the mesh. The actual connection between them is made by the Armature modifier on the object. Delete that too, to completely tidy things up.
Although I just tried it. When I select only the armature, and delete it, it left the mesh alone.
In object mode with the Geo selected, Alt + P does not appear to unparent the geo.
Alternately, Alt + P does not appear to unparent the armature, either.
Could I be using a different version of Blender than you? I’m new to Blender; I’m in Blender 3.6.
I’m using v4, but it will work the same in earlier versions.
One thing to pay attention to is where your cursor is when you do Alt-P. It’s an action that should happen over the 3D viewport. So if you’ve selected the mesh in the outliner, and your cursor is still over the outliner, then Alt-P won’t do anything.
You can drag the mesh while holding shift in the outliner to change the parenting.