Removing Mirror Seam

Hi Everyone,

I am new to Blender so I am trying to learn the basics right now. I am working on a very simple model to get accustomed to the software and so far it’s been great. Anyways, I setup a mirror modifier on my model and noticed that I get some problems with certain tools.

For example, even though I have clipping turned on when I try and inset a face along the mirrors seam the tool acts as if the mirror object is not connected. See the image below for an example of what I mean.

use the boundary option with the inset tool

…Or just delete the unwanted extra face and slide the edge to the center to close the hole.

Probably there are internal faces in the center.

An inset on a mirrored face does the same for me, it is how Blender works. What JA12 and Anthony are saying is right.