Renaming Addon Required $200

Hi , I am in need of an addon that will rename objects and place them in a collection. The addon should give the following functionality:
Give me the ability to
Assign a level name to the object - eg L01 (the levels wont go above 100)
Assign a zone name to the object eg Z01 (the zones wont go abvoe 100)
Assign a category to the object eg Walls - The Categories are fixed and I will provide a full list of these. about 50 in total.
Assign a custom field to the object eg Exterior

Add the objects to a collection called L01_Z01_Walls

So if I select objects and rename them - ( for this example I will use walls) the addon should - Create a collection called walls and then add the objects to the collection with the name. L01_Z01_Walls_Exterior, once a Walls collection for Level 01 and Zone 01 has been made all subsequent selections should be added to this collection if they are of the category walls and exist on Level 01 and reside within Zone 01.

I have created this in 3ds Max already so I can provide a video of the full functionality that I need. I cant programme in python yet which is why im putting it out there for paid work.

Happy to pay $200 dollars for the addon.

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Hi Amanda,

Thank you for contacting me. I have found someone to do this now.

Many thanks
