"Render image" does not save the file to output path

if i open standard blender file , give in a path for output, and “render image” the camera, it does not save the file. if i click "render animation " it saves the files… nothing else changed.

why that?
thanks for help!


For render output, you should go to the Properties tab in File Paths section and fill out the Render Output field:

dont understand…? so for “render animation” it uses the path from "output properties / output/ filename " and for “render image” NOT ?

Sorry, maybe I have misunderstood your question, let me get it straight: when you render animation it saves straightly into the folder you have filled out in output settings, but when you do the render of just an image nothing happens, is that right?

single image save02

yes, only difference is clicking “render image” or “render animation”… first no save, second saves images


From what I just have found, Blender does not write single renders to the hard drive by default. But, you can do this via free add-on called VF Autosave Render + Output Variables, just visit the link below:

Tutorial on how to use it:


not true… :face_with_hand_over_mouth: … i did no more believe in myself… why that, thats unbelieveable?

thanks for your help sergey!

Sorry, I didn’t get you. What do you mean?

that blender saves animations but not a single file… i dont understand the logic, but anyway…it is like it is…


You can get away with it by using something like this. Watch the video below:

Here’s what I’ve found about automatically saving the render image. Check this out:

render a 1 frame over “render animation” saves it… :joy: …not my logic…maybe there is a for me unknown reason…

thanks again

Yup, as an another way to do this.

Good explanation of this problem:

The easiest way is simply go into the compositor and add an output file node, so each time you render, it will automatically overwrite the previous render. Personally, I just simple use ALT+S in the redener result window as sometimes, I use a low quality render to check things, so don’t want it saved automatically.


I think the basic logic is that sometimes you may want to quickly render, but not necessarily save something, perhaps for testing purposes. And so being able to do that without clogging up your hard drive makes sense.

Generally, though, you wouldn’t do that with a string of frames for an animation, so it makes sense that it would save that by default.


As I see I have to do that in any case, because I want to get some passes rendered out as separate images. And as it seems this does only work with separate "file output"s

Thanks for help

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Yup, you’re right.