Render Image vs. Animation changes AOV layers in After Effects


I’m rendering my animation into a multilayer EXR to composite in Ae, and I get different AOVs depending on how I render.

When I render a single image (F12) and open it in Ae with Extractor, I see the correct AOVs with the names I set in Blender. (Beauty, Matte, Depth)

When I render the animation (Ctrl+F12) and open it in Ae, the AOVs change to the default options from the Render node (Composite.Combined, ViewLayer.AO, etc).

I appreciate any help!

Node Setup:

Render Image options:
Render Image options

Render Animation options:
Render Animation opttions

Indeed both output produce different images (AFAIK)…

Beware !
If you choose the same path then the standard output from the Output Properties → Output and the File Output node overwrite each other !!

If choosing some additional prefix on the output node like path/to/somehwere/prefix then the extra output stars with that prefix…

(There was already a question how to disable the standard output… but this seems to be not possoble. as far as i remember…)

When using this special fileoutput yu may choose a simpler image format in the standard and dump it ???

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You are correct!

I assumed that the compositor output had the ultimate output since it copied all the details from Blender’s output settings. I am also confused why the Blender output overwrite only happens with Render Animation.

Changing Blender’s output settings to a “dump” folder is my solution so I can quickly delete it all when rendering is complete. I tried to could make it a 0 quality jpeg to reduce the space from having double multilayer EXR, but the render crashes. Keeping it the same output filetype works fine.

Thanks again!

Only render animation produce standard outputs… a simple render will not save the rendered image…

Yes… it’s a but unlucky to use just the frame numbers for the nameing… maybe if the standard output would use IMG and the export node for example EXP as default… :person_shrugging: