My render is taking a really long time. I render of a rtx 3000, my scene is optimized, its set cuda gpu rtx 3000, and the c drive is basically nothing apart from the program files. please help.
Hi, reducing the sampling usually speeds up render.
I have it down to 512. It seems uncharacteristic for it to take this long
Try 10 0r 15.
It renders faster. but it’s still slow. It dosen’t feel right, this computer renders pretty fast. I’m mostly looking for suggestions about maybe a setting I have changed or, some things that i could check on the computer to have a lok at the storage or stuff, or the gpu usage. I am not tech savvy at all and i don’t know very much about computers, and i’ve got a feeling that the problem does not stem from blender.
Try this:
thanks I’ll have a look.
the second link help the issue. thanks