render time display


does blender have a render time clock either in full app mode
or command line?

I’d like to know how long do renders take without having to use my stop watch.



The top line of Blender´s interface shows up render statistics after the render (memory usage and render time).
The render time for animation frames is shown on the Blender console window.

I’m not sure?

I would like to know this as well.

If there isn’t something that does this making a 3rd party app that records the time for you wouldn’t be to difficult. Trick would be getting it to stop counting once the render stoped, but atleast then you could get a guess as to how long it took. Especially useful for those over night or over weekend renders.

I’ll see if I can do something, even though I’m not the most competent programmer.


Wow, I never noticed that. I run blender on a 800x600 screen resolution
and the only thing that shows on the top line is the url

the only thing I see when i render is, the url gets changed to:
Render: Fra:1 Ve:0, but quickly disappears when you move the mouse from the rendered window to anywhere else and the blender url comes back in its place.

Thanks, it shows at higher screen resolution but goes away as soon as the render is completed. Any way to get it to display again? or save it somewhere?


If you render with the Anim button (set a frame range of 1), Blender saves the rendered pic and shows the elapsed time in the console.

If you minimize the main menu (little triangle at the leftmost side of screen), you get too see more info at the right.

Works by rendering through anim as you said, thanks.

However other method doesn’t show it for long, when render finishes it just flashes then turns back to blender url, might be a glitch or a memory thing. It does work if you render the default cube scene blender loads when started, and does refresh if you hit F11 back and forth.

But doesn’t with a larger blender scene. Anyways, I was just clocking current blender’s speed with blenderintel’s speed.

Thanks for your help.


command line renders show time for stills