"render to texture" / Cycles

Hello people, I am looking for someone to assist on a certain task. The “render to texture” script created by Kolupsy(https://twitter.com/kolupsy/status/1525811584718741505?s=20&t=2eDLtjrgVcKw-TmsQXDutA) is what I need to replicate or even modify the code in order to work with cycles, at the moment is restricted to Eevee & cycles is needed in order to use the “bake” option. Another reason is the equirectangular camera that exists in Cycles, but not in Eevee.If there is a way to render equirectangular via eevee, it would be great to have it as an alternative to cycles.
If you are up for the task,we can further discuss via email ([email protected])
the costs & the timeframe. Thank you all for your time. Stavros P

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