Rendered animation different from viewport preview

Hi guys,

I have just started learning Blender and I am loving it. I followed plenty of tutorials but I got stuck at a point and can’t seem to find information about it.

I am trying to render my first motion graphics file, it shows a ball being thrown against text, which turns into particles with the collision and then rebuild again from particles from another emitter.

The rendered version differs from the one in the viewport. The ball being thrown in the scene behaves differently, sometimes it runs slower than in the viewport, the particles don’t fall as they do in the viewport…and I am finding really hard to find the reason for it, due to it showing the animation properly on the viewport but not in the rendered version.

I could supply a dropbox link for download to anyone interested.(120mb)

I would really appreciate some hints on what’s going on.



I could supply a dropbox link for download to anyone interested.(120mb)
You should always supply a link without being asked. Make sure you remove all unnecessary crap from the file and use the compress option when you save the blend file so we don’t have to download anything we don’t need to

Sorry about that. My first time here.

It’s compressed as suggested. Still 50mb though.


Sorry about that. My first time here.…ion-test.blend

It’s compressed as suggested. Still 50mb though.


After plenty of research and many tests, the reason why particles get stuck and don’t fall as they should seems to be the curves within the scene. When I don’t render the curves within the scene (Paths, circles…) the particles behave normally and fall down.

The problem was solved by Baking All dynamics in the particles system tab.