Rendered Picture is not what active camera shows

Hey there!

Using Blender 2.43 I had the following problem while designing a new piece of furniture for my customer:

The design was nearly finished when I hit F12 to see what it allready looks like but all I got to see was a very small part at the very top edge of the cupboard/shelf I created. I checked the camera with Num0 and it showed the comlete shelf. I checked Render Border but none was set. I deleted the camera and created a new one. The rendered picture still has only shown the highest peak segment. I moved the camera to different positions - no change. I again set the camera to active camera - no change.

Another weird thing is that there is a cylinder in my creation that after rendering doubled its size in design mode. After activating it and hitting ‘s’ it immediately changes back to normal size untill doubling again at next rendering.

That was to days ago and I restarted with my last backup and finished my work.

Now, just out of curiosity, is that a bug in blender (camera problem and/or size problem) or have I unconsciously hit a wrong key?

Thanks for your help,

(paintings, graphics, mirror gravure and furniture artwork)

Hi, I’m not sure if this is the same issue but,

I have encountered a bug where the active camera does not get updated for the renderer.
In a scene with mutliple cameras, I tried to change the active camera. It changed in the 3d view, but the render was from the POV of the old camera. Deleting every other camera in the scene did not help, and neither did deleting all cameras and adding a new one.

I have run into this nasty bug twice now (my workaround was to just import everything from the scene into a clean blender file).

unfortunately, I have not been able to recreate it and I don’t know what causes it exactly.
may or may not be the same issue but it sounds very similar.

okay, the below answer seems to be the case. It does fix the files in question.
A bit embarrassing on my part but good to know, thanks

No idea about the object changing size -have never had that happen to me.

About the camera probs -it has to do with the camera lock, which is a bit tricky. Making a camera active doesn’t necessarily make it the rendering camera. There is another button involved (the lock icon in the 3D viewport).

From the manual: Change active camera

“The Active Camera for rendering purposes is tied to the “Lock Layers and Used Camera to Scene” button (lock icon) for each 3D view port. Whichever camera was designated Active in a view port where this option is activated (locked) becomes the rendering camera. If all 3D views are unlocked, no matter which camera is made “Active” for the unlocked view port, only the camera from the previously locked view will be the render camera.”

So, turn on the lock icon in a 3D viewport and then set the active camera in that view (ctrl numpad0) and that will make it the active camera and also make it the rendering camera.

@darkhunter73 -sounds like you had a camera set as the rendering camera hidden on another layer. Even if a layer isn’t selected a camera set as the rendering camera in that layer will be the one that renders the layers you do have selected.

Hey there!

Larry, you got it! Thanks - “One small click on a button, one giant leap for my design!” … or something like that …

zdk1, you mentioned exporting and reimporting the objects in a clean file … do you have a favorite format for objects when blender is the reimport target? (I found that some formats have bugs within themself, e.g. loosing textures or something like that)

See ya,

No, no special format. You can import (Append or link rather) directly from another blend file.

Shift F1 to open the Append menu. Choose a blend file, and then waht to import (generally, you’d import Objects, but it depends).

Some more information: