
Hi folks, can Blender build a render farm that can be used to render one single picture? just as it is possible with the team render client of cinema 4d?

You can do that with the Brenda Scripts. Scroll down to Subframe rendering:

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This should be available to Blender users, with native Blender solutions, without going to a $Amazon Render solution, tho it is a solution for now. I am currently awaiting for the updated Release of CrowdRender, which is able to support tile rendering. There is a bug in recent builds of Blender that stalls its function in current versions of CrowRender, soon? to be remedied. I have a large scene that crashes my 32GB machines and want to tile it, using both machines. Best to you on Brenda Scripts. Please report back if you are successful.

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i dont want to learn coding or something like that. but it seems that there is no easy solution for it?!
thank you anyway!

I have my limits also…no coding involved. CrowdRender just requires another computer, network accessible, and running the same version of Blender. It handles the rest of the details with it’s own Render Still button

iam going to test it this evening. i watched some videos about it. looks good so far.

I have made really great experiences using SheepIt. It’s not only for free but there’s also the possibility of tiling a single frame (or all frames of an animation) into several pieces. Be aware that this is also a community of people like you and me. It’s a give and take. To prioritize rendering you have to help others as well. But the system works amazing!

it seems that this is a site where you upload your files and other people can render your frames? you earn points for rendering for other people and you can spend this points to buy renderpower from other? right?
i would like to use my own pcs at home as i can if i use team render client from cinema 4d. but overall its a nice concept and i will give it a look too. thx!

Yes, but not completely right. The points you earn do not generate render power, but they prioritize your project so that they are rendered before other project. No matter when they will be done, you always get as much render power as is available at this point of time.

But what you like to do is still possible. You can always render your own projects (they will be rendered first). And when when you set your project to “private” only you with all of your machines (and friends you enable with a separate generated login password for your account) will render this project. So no other will download your projects (with maybe sensitiv customer data). Just the project size limit of currently 500MB is just a limitation for some projects (for example many baked particle systems). But maybe this isn’t relevant for you. It’s really worth more than a quick look.

Garagefarm has that feature. Not a free solution but works out of the box for high res stills. You can go as crazy as 50,000x50,000 if you wish and have the image rendered on 100 nodes. Just saying :slightly_smiling_face:

What about Flamenco?
i am a blender cloud user and i saw that there is a service called flamenco. Anyone how know this?

Also an old friend was revived. Farmer Joe Render, might be worth checking out as well

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CrowdRender can render one image with multiple computers. In fact that’s the only way it renders on multiple computers. So it my be worth to check it out.

My own experiences with CrowdRender are that as soon as the project gets a little bit more complex, it has (had?) big problems syncing the scene over the network correctly while changing it. Then image parts from different versions of the scene come back to the rendering machine and the resulting image looks weird. That’s not always the case, but often. Maybe it is an solution when rendering a scene which won’t be edited anymore.

Also when having implemented slow nodes which have maybe just 10% of another node, then sometimes it’s hard to set the correct distribution of work (automatic distribution works but takes waiting time). Often - depending on the scene/part of the scene - the faster nodes can render the part of the slower node in just some additional seconds and you’re waiting further minutes for receiving the last few parts of your image while in other situations you receive the result of the work load and the slower machine waits for new work. That was a little bit frustrating because the available resources weren’t used at nearly 100%.

But the guys are still developing the plugin with much effort. Maybe it will be much more stable in the future (I have to admit, I haven’t tried the newer versions in the last 2 or 3 months). I hope they collect enough money to continue their work and to keep their servers running.

Hi. :slight_smile:

You can now render very high resolution images in Blender with us as well. Here is more information:

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