Rendering an ACTUALLY transparent Glass? (Cycles)

I have the same problem as @Dominik_Jiruse .
There is no physics-based excuse for not treating transparency properly; and there is no question as to what value to use; alpha is just another value; Also what people are asking for when they ask for this feature is the solution to light rays that do not come from absent refraction sources.

I can get a clearcoat to appear in the strongest region of reflection when “transparent glass” is checked, but nothing else that (absolutely) should be there. This solver is in need of an upgrade. The fact that this could be dealt with in the past with chroma only illustrates that it has been a persistent bug.

That being said, I’ve seen better results than what I’m getting in other peoples’ posts. I would really love to know if this is a problem with my graphics card (which is not supported by eevee), a trade secret nack that people give you the runaround on, or a genuine persistent problem in blender. (LEFT: “Transparent glass” checked on. Right: “Transparent Glass” unchecked. This shader isn’t alpha, it’s transmission set to IOR “1”, fyi; I get better results with “clearcoat” but that shouldn’t be the case, so that isn’t pictured)