I’ve never posted on a forum before so I hope this is in the right place and apologies if it isn’t .
I am following this tutuorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snoqEfz0dFU
but it is far to quick and not properly explained in some parts. He creates two scenes that render to make one animation. How do I render it the way he did? When I download the file and render that I get no smoke, and the smoke is in a separate scene. I want to render the text animation and smoke animation in one video not as “two separate” videos.
Moved from “General Forums > Blender and CG Discussions” to “Support > Compositing and Post Processing”
I haven’t had a chance to look at the video, but the most common way to render two scenes at once is to use the compositor. A Render Layer input node can reference a render layer in any scene in your .blend file.
I suggest that “a ‘scene’” should be most-properly viewed as “a set of settings.” Which includes, among other things, a specific “current camera” and a specific “output (file) designation.”
The good news is … within a given Blend-file, several scenes can be derived from a base-scene, linking objects from it such that changes in the base-scene are automatically reflected in the others.
“All that having been said, now,” I suggest that all of these scenes ought to become separately-rendered outputs, which you then use … not as the blend-files/blend-scenes that they came from, but (only) as the rendered outputs that they were used to produce.
Graphic rendering is a multi-step process: “simpler work-products, individually rendered,” are assembled to produce final deliverables.