How do you repeat a duplication? This seems helpful on working on architecture. Say I want to duplicate a cube every 5ft along the X Axis. I know that I can set the origin to the center of the original cube, press Shift-D and translate that 5ft over in the location properties and I’ve duplicated it precisely where I want it. But what If I wanted to do this 10 times, every 5ft? I’m sure there must be a way to repeat a simple “duplicate, translate and repeat” like this.
I have looked for this on Google and Youtube, but I haven’t found what I am looking for. The examples I find are more complicated and are for duplicating specific rotation parameters using Array modifiers and such. I just need a simple “duplicate and repeat” kind of option.
Shift+R repeats last. Better to make a linked duplicate with alt+D so that the mesh is shared between the duplicates and can be edited further by editing one.
thanks to both of your responses.
I understand now. However I noticed that I need to type in everything on the keyboard immediately. What I mean is I usually duplicate and hit “X” and drag the new cube into roughly where I want it (say 4.67 instead of 5). Then I type in my coordinates (5) and such in the location boxes you posted a screenshot of. However, when I do this, Blender does not know that I want the “5” and it repeats duplicates of 4.67 because that was my actual duplication.
For this simple action, its easy to just type the 5, but I am in the habit of typing in the specifics in the boxes afterwards, because its more intuitive for me to see the different boxes.
I guess the answer is to just get into the habit of using the keyboard immediately, for these kind of steps
If you do Shift+D X 5 it will duplicate and move the duplicate 5 units along the x axis as a single action. In this case you can use Shift+R to duplicate the whole action. It’s basically adding 5 to the X vector in the screenshot
Usually, I just then select all of the objects and figure out the math to move them so the center space is the same size as all the others.
You can do expressions in the value inputs too (so you’re trying to multiply a value like 4.67 you can just do 4.67*X). Replace X with the value you want.