Hello BA,
I’m trying to create a waterline shader without using uvs, so that i can drive the position by an empty between multiple objects. I’ve read here that i need to clamp or vector math the mapping, but i cannot get it to work with a texture and box mapping. I hope attached image explains it a bit better.
ReeatTexture.blend (1.7 MB)
I don’t know what this method would be like because I don’t know the purpose.
If you only think about the results you want, you can use a mask to cover the top.
The purpose is to have discoloration above a waterline, like salt deposit and i want to use it on different objects without having to adjust the uvs.
This works for what i want btw, thank you. If someone has an idea how to do by just manipulating the mapping, I’d be happy to hear that too!
What about controlling a gradient texture using an empty to adjust the height of the gradient in the world? Then, you can move, rotate and scale that empty to get the exact scale and position you want. The gradient texture is 3D, it doesn’t need to be projected.
Then, you can mix either a noise or a box mapped texture (in color burn mode) with that gradient to chisel the transition.
Yes, i noticed that this works and considered it, but would have prefered to use an actual texture for a bit more detail. For example something like a leak would be tricky to get this way.