Repeat zone feedback

Here I’m trying to copy a geometry onto the points in a “manual” way (I’m aware that I could use instance on points but this is for learning and exploration :slight_smile: )

It seems that in this setup the count variable is not fed back with each iteration. Am I missing something? I’m trying to get the current iteration index to look up the respective point.

Any help is very appreciated!

Here is also the file with my setup:
repeat-zone-test.blend (1.2 MB)

Thanks in advance!

Still learning geometry nodes myself but shouldn’t you have something plugged into the index input of the sample index node?

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Geez. Somebody needs more coffee in the morning… Thanks for pointing this out!!

Ontop of that I also needed to connect something to the geometry output (even though it’s not really used), then it’s working as expected!

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