Replicating Velvet Shader with the Principled Shader?


I’m trying to replicate the velvet shader with the principled shader. I initially thought that it was just a simple turning up the sheen but it does not work as expected. To be honest, it seems like the sheen component has no whatsoever effect (Setting sheen from 0 to 1 and vice versa has a negligible effect)

You can check the illustration of the problem here:

You can check the sample file here:

Is there a way around this?
Thank you for looking at my problem.

P.S. I can’t use velvet shader since I am using other features of the principled shader.

You can’t. Velvet shader creates kind of a dark spot where the light shines (kind of a negative glossy). Move the light around and this dark spot moves. Try it on a sphere and point light and see for yourself. Sheen is problematic with global AO and I would avoid it. It is already a grazing component, no need to use fresnel on it. Best bet is very high roughness:

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Thanks for the direct response and for the thread reference
This is what I end up as a solution:

Since I’m not using a global AO (I think you are referring to the world settings, right?), the principled shader is still applicable.

  1. Going to use @joseph_raccoon’s makeshift set-up to account for the sheen tint (currently, there is no color tint available in the principled shader. It is just a simple parameter and not a color)

  2. and use higher values of sheen. (It was news to me that you can actually use values greater than 1 after reading your thread).

Thanks again for the responses. Appreciate it a lot.