Reptile Rogue - Need constructive criticism please

This project is based on concept arts made by the artist Tan Zhi Weng. Link to the original concepts on Artstation

I’d appreciate some constructive criticism on this project to find a way to improve. I kinda asked on Reddit but didn’t get much help. Also, if you want to check the Artstation project. Thank you.


That’s a neat model. Is the hood a separate mesh or is it part of the shirt?

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Thank you! Yes, it’s a separate mesh, even though it’s on the same rig. It uses some shape keys for the character to put and remove the hood.

Oh okay. I was asking because I wasn’t sure if the that part needed to stretch or not. I think it would be more effective to model the v-neck on the shirt like a split in the geometry instead of moving the verticies down. Something Like this:

That way the faces don’t get as distorted going around the collar.

Edit: Also, the edge loops on the model in general look pretty shaky. The loop tools add-on (included with Blender) has a “relax” function that can straigten those out individually without changing the volume of the mesh

Huum, I see. Yeah, this method I used has some issues when the character looks down or up and the geometry starts to collapse into itself. I’m pretty sure this approach to the topology would have way cleaner results, thanks a lot for the suggestion.

I actually use this addon but I didn’t know this feature! Will make sure to use it next time. I think I maybe used the smooth tool of sculpting to try to relax the mesh a bit, but I guess it wasn’t enough.

Thanks again.

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