So i’m requesting a bevel shader as a svm shader to overcome these issues, which is really needed to get smooth and nice results.
What are your opinions?!
Other engines like Corona or Mental Ray has these features already.
Best Regards!
It’s gonna be quite difficult if not impossible…
First of all, the mesh is not only complex, but is FULL of errors. Blender is a software, and your mesh is plenty of loose vertex in random positions, how can blender determine where it has to bevel? You have to clear it.
You can see in the wireframe that the mesh is very dense. What the bevel modifier ( and bevelling in general ) do is smoothing the outer edge you have selected, but:
As you can see it has a VERY tiny space to bevel, in this model in fact it can only bevel the part in red, while the rest ( orange) is ignored, because the red part is enclosed by all the unnecessary geometry:
if you need help on cleaning it i’ll be glad to explain you how i did it
Sorry guys, i often open a lot of BA threads, didn’t read/remember very well the title, thougt this was a modelling problem. By the way the method can still be used to achieve a good result
Like what was stated earlier, there IS a bevel shader available it’s just cpu only. I’ve used it and it works well. Its on these forums (don’t have time to look for it atm). Give it a try and let us know how it went.