Requesting for the statue of "The Thinker" by Auguste Rodin

Me and a friend on wikia are planning to make a youtube video based on scientific vs. religious views with some philosophy thrown in (but, used more to show what different beliefs affect how people perceive paradoxes), and as we got onto discussing the intro, we thought of the thinker statue by Auguste Rodin. I personally have blender, but I can only animate pre rigged stuff, so… yeah. my friend meanwhile can’t even animate in blender yet, so that’s also a problem…

I can animate the camara, and rig it to do what I was thinking off, but I can’t model the statue itself, so I was thinking, could one of you kind people create the model, or lead me to a CC Zero one? If you make can and do make one yourself, I would be happy to credit you, but I don’t have any cash incentives…

What i do have, though, is 66 youtube subscribers currently, and if you have a youtube i CAN make you one of my month long Featured Users. That, and I would also happily make a lyrics video of any song, even if It’d make my ears bleed.

thank you for reading all of this, and i hope to be a bigger part of this community as my BTEC games design course starts :slight_smile:

i saw one on turbosquid here:
but it is a bit pricy, but perhaps other 3D content sites have cheaper ones.

um, that’s the thing… i need it under the creative commons licence, because i’m only just getting a bank account, but i’ve not got everything yet…

hmm… I’ll tell you what, if you locate some nice reference images I’ll take a stab at it, okay?

thanks so much dude/lass, i owe you big time!