Here is my concept design for a search and rescue robot from the near future.
Despite using Blender casually for a number of years, this is one of the few occasions where I have designed something from scratch (without copying someone else’s concept).
It’s also one of the few images I feel is “forum worthy” - most of my stuff is not
Looking good! Would love to hear your thought process on the design concept.
Some improvements that could, but should not necessarily be made:
You set the scene as a pile of rubble, and the robot is a “rescue” model, so it stands to reason that an earthquake took place, and people may be trapped underneath. My point is, how would he pull them out, one of his arms is a claw, which looks sharp, and the other is a smaller and more rounded version of the first.
You could also add some dust and debris to the legs, and more scratches to the lower area of the feet(?)
Lastly, the eye lens looks off. You could add zoom lens and maybe some shutters, they would add more character in my opinion.
In terms of the design concept, I started out with the intention of making a robot of some kind. I picked features I wanted from references and, somewhere along the road, it seemed to make sense that it would be a search and rescue robot. That then determined the design decisions from that point onward. I was looking for a way for it to have a really obvious role (I didn’t want a generic robot you see in lots of renders and think “what would that actually do?”), and that decision allowed me to make it bright Yellow and plaster it with cross decals
Valid point about rescuing people. I struggled with this. One arm is supposed to be jaws of life, and the other arm is supposed to be a general purpose grabber for moving rubble (and people). I originally intended it to have a stretcher strapped to it’s back, but decided that made no sense without a second robot. I envisaged this robot accompanying human or dog searchers, so maybe it just searches and assists with the extraction. I agree with you though, and next time I will come up with something better for it’s arms.
I did initially have dust, but decided against it after looking at reference photos from real earthquakes. Dust didn’t seem to be that prominent, oddly.
Yep - the eye is wrong No excuses, I could have made that better (and will next time).
Thanks for taking the time to provide that feedback! I appreciate it.