[Research] New alternate path to employment for 3D artists?

As some in here know, all my weird little projects are related to one big project I’ve been working on for nearly a decade. I’ll skip the details, as this thread is not really about that, but since most of my hardcore creative work is on a temporary pause due to personal reasons, I’ve been looking at my progress on that project so far. My conclusion is that I suck at conveying the core ideas of it. So I decided to do some more research, and I think I need someone to interview to do that.

I am looking for 3-5 people with some, but not a lot of, experience in trying(!!) to make money doing 3D or related work (coding, for example), i.e. not pure hobbyists or complete newcomers. I am fine with interviewing in private messages or in the open (this thread). The questions are simple and about how you would like to use your skills to make some form of income off 3D work. My main goal is to figure out how to communicate my project better, even how to phrase it for myself. Yeah, it’s one of those weird things that are hard to explain at first.

If I reach some useful results, and if there is interest, I will elaborate on the overall project. Right now, it’s still too messy to present…

I’m down to be interviewed :slight_smile:

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Cool, got another in private, that’s two. I’ll just give it till tomorrow and hope we get one or two more, then I’ll send you the first questions. Or do you feel more like doing it in the thread here, instead? Either works great for me!

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You can DM me :slight_smile:

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