Residential House

Exterior 1

Exterior 2

Exterior 3

Workbench 1

Workbench 2

Workbench 3

Modelling made in Blender and Revit.
Foliage from Quixel.
Rendered in Cycles.


Good work!
I would add a natural path to the house on the first image it would create depth and also lead the eye to the house as the meadow is a bit boring on its own :slight_smile: Hope it helps I am looking forward to see more of your works :slight_smile:


Not bad but it should be improved adding:

  • a pathway to the entrance: natural or artificial is not so important…it could depend by design…but something that drive the people to go inside is quite natural and obvious to see.
  • some curtains inside to occlude the inner view. In this way you could avoid to have that passthrough view like first image. It’s a bit distracting also because the background is light and it catches the eye.You could add also an inner wall.
  • increase the grass density. Now it seems that the green area is abandoned and grass grown irregularly…if you increase the density, the overlapping grass clumps will uniform the result.
  • the absence of the gutter is by design? If not, it will help to increase the realistic feeling.

Last point: it seems that external furniture is floating in the air. Am I wrong?

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Yes, looking back into it i should have added a path that leads to the entrance, perhaps with some lights on the ground.
Thanks for the feedback! :grinning:

Thanks for the feedback!
I mostly focused on the exterior of the house, great idea having curtains to block the interior!
I will look forward into increasing the density of grass, now that you mention it you are right that it does not seem uniform.
Yes, the gutter is by design.
Hahahaha, yes it looks like some furniture is levitating.

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!