Residential Towers

The more I progressed in my career, the more I became interested, in creating model with increasing complexity.
This here, is the first model I decided to bring to the market after decades of 3D work. Residential Towers with furniture are something I have been looks for; for years, to put into my own (and my client’s) projects; but I could never find anything like this on the entirety of the internet. So I decided to build it myself; and make it procedural for added flexibility.

Procedural height and width with randomizing room interiors.

Facade with color palette and custom color toggle.

In this wire frame you can sort of see all the things that got included into the build; like window frames, interior walls, balconies, low poly furniture, blinds with controls and lights in every room. Also with controls and other features.


I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

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