Resilience Satelle

:warning: Production hat on! :warning:


Me and my wife talked today about Resilience Satelle potential.
We both agree on how cool would it be if Resilience Satelle was:

  • An Platformer/RPG game, mostly platforms like Super Mario 64, but with more story and interactions with the villages people;
  • The current island would be the starting point and each of the far aways islands would be a diferent level (like icy island, desert island, fire island, forest island, etc).
  • You would travel from island to island on the ship ballons;
  • Each island would have new characters adapted at each ambient;
  • You would play with the 3 characters, and you would switch by each of them to reach and/or complete specific challenges;
  • Finaly all the FMV would be at 360º (as we always wanted), controllable with the camera game pad!

Now this finally looks like a Plan! :smiley:

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