Resilience Satelle

Hello guys!

Today I bring you the Noam drawing board.
It will be on one of the exterior walls of the house. It is made of wood and the interior will be made of cork so that the character will fix the sheets he will draw.
Tomorrow will be completely textured.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


On my end, trees were improved and signs are in place.

Other fixes:

Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the table that will have Noam’s drawing material.
Because of the small size of the space, I thought it would fit better a desk that stuck to the wall.
Monday I will make the missing drawing material.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Let’s talk a bit about the memory in use so far for the entire thing:

So, so far (remember that it’s missing an entire town), a single frame takes:

  • 40 seconds to render at 1080p (not bad considering cycles would take a month)
  • 6068.03 Mb (I have the Titan X with 12Gb, so it’s still on the safe side)
  • 1 802 569 triangles

But this has already some animations, volumetric clouds and the most heavy things made.
…Therefore So far so good :cowboy_hat_face:
Have a great weekend!


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the brush organizer. I gave it a more personal touch by putting Noam’s name on it.
It will be entirely in wood.
Tomorrow I hope to finish all the accessories that make up the drawing corner of the character.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


I’m starting to get used to the volumetric clouds :slight_smile:

All the clouds now use the simple shader that I shared a few posts ago, it’s the only one that gives good results when in animation (it doesn’t flicker).
Also the clouds seem to need more than a Sun lamp :slight_smile: …therefore now there is a Sun lamp, a yellow Point Lamp from the right and a purple one from the Left. If we change the time of the day also the colors of the Point lamps will need to change also.

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Ok, problems with clouds :disappointed:

They would be Ok for a still but in animation they flicker way too much!
I may need to go by the safest possible clouds I can imagine, polygonal clouds:

…But, they will need to undergo some mere development to make them fluffier :slight_smile:
Still investigating on this…

After a series of tests, I’ve determined that volumetric clouds, no mater if they are made with noise texture, image texture, mushgrave texture, any kind of shader (principled or volume scatter)… they always flicker when the camera moves :thinking:

I’ve found an impressive solution and will report it in a new post. I have been making the volumetrics all wrong, they do work real nice :slight_smile:

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Hello guys!

Today I finished Noam’s drawing corner.
We put brushes, pencils, sheets, inks and some pins to put the sheets on the board.
Tomorrow I will start another new object.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I bring you a wooden manger for the animals that will be in the village.
Tomorrow I will start to make the fence that will surround the houses.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello Friends,
So volumetrics in Eevee, aren’t as bad as I tough, they actually look real nice and do get stable once correctly made… I was the one that was (still am) bad with it :sweat_smile:

Foreground clouds:

This cloud shader in use was created by Gatis Kurzemnieks and can be downloaded here:
He also gives some explanations on how the shader was created. Thank you so much for your work, time and be such a nice person! :slight_smile:

So at least for now the clouds got to a point that they do look good enough… they are stable enough for the shot , don’t flicker when the camera moves by them and look fluffy :smiley:

Background clouds:
The background clouds are now just procedural 2D clouds. There was no reason to use volumetrics on them and they were based on the ones available on the Real Sky add-on, that I’m using for the lighting and skies (it’s pending an update for the 2.81 version, that’s why the sky is still just blue for the moment).

There’s still room for improvements, on both clouds, but, for now, I’ll focus on new yet to do things like:

  • improving the terrain paint for Noam Town (Increase the resolution for close up shots);
  • bring some sheep to the scene;
  • finish the seagull;
  • rig and animate the wind mill;
  • Fire and animations on the balloons;
  • keep converting textures to the painted feel

…and other cool stuff :cowboy_hat_face:


Helo Friends!
Today I bring you Sheep:

Modeled and textured by @SlykDrako

And some of them are they are already in scene:

The close up terrain texture ain’t done yet, this is the far away version.
The camera is on the back side of Noam House btw.

Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the fences to keep the animals.
I made 3 different styles to diversify a little.
That way the sheep are safe!

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!
Today I bring you screens of the drawings that are on the Noam House Board:

They were drawn by Noam in person :upside_down_face:
…On the drawings Noam portrayed some of the things he dreams about doing if he had Arms :thinking: Hummm! Why would someone dream about eating an Apple!?

Have a great Sunday everyone! :wink:


looks great, as always! :sunglasses:

any plans on adding a splash of color or deco to houses to further differentiate the residences? even a select few landmarks, the house covered in potted plants, the cat ladys house, etc?

Hey @Daedalus_MDW , Thanks! :smiley:
Hehe, for the moment it ain’t a priority as the action is all centered on Noam House and all the city shots are wide shots and very short… Although :cowboy_hat_face: once we have all primary things made and if the chances of selling the project reveal to be promising, we may indeed bring those and many other details to the table.

Hello guys!

Today I bring you some simple clothes to be extended on ropes.
Tomorrow I will put the textures and it will be ready.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I started to texturize the clothes and lay them on the clothesline.
When I finish placing all the clotheslines in the village I will show you how it looks in the scenery.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello Friends!
In the last days I’ve been painting the High Quality terrain for the Noam Town.
Let’s see the before and the after:

The new terrain is a 2nd object on top of the original terrain and it was painted with Armory Paint:

The decision of using Armory Paint instead of blender was due two main reasons:
1 - Armory Paint can paint materials (albedo, normal, roughness, ao, etc) and then automatically output all of those maps too;
2 - Armory paint can paint up to 16K textures in real time :flushed: (although I only painted them in 8K).

I don’t have enough power for 8K textures, so I’ve downscale them to 4K and the results are visible above.
Because this wouldn’t be enough to more close shots I’ve made two materials (both using the exact same shader, just different textures), one for the place the characters will walk and another for everything else:

And suddenly we can get closer :slight_smile:
Now in terms of paint this is good, to get better now it has to be done with real geometry, like grass and cobblestones, but that is another adventure :cowboy_hat_face:

Until next time!


:warning: DANGER :warning:
Production hat on

The purpose of Resilience Satelle is to be sold once completed.
The ideal goal would be to pack it inside a physical container (a custom 16Gb USB stick) with as many extras as possible. (I’ll add this info in the first post once it’s sure).

If you happen to read this I would like to hear some of your thoughts (as this is for you :smile:) regarding a few questions that I have:

  • By these days where is the most trust worthy place to sell something like this (for me and you)?
  • What kind of extras you would like to see with it ( be specific, a making of is granted :wink: )?
  • How many copies would be plausible for a first release? The minimum is 25, from the USB factory… so don’t say 1 hehe :yum:
  • How much would be a reasonable price?
  • Custom USB stick is a good idea!? … or, let’s just join the future and keep it by the Digital Download thing :cold_sweat: Please be gentle!

Best regards


Hello guys!

Today I bring you the village well. Tomorrow I make the roof and some details and it will be complete, ready to put on the scene.

Hope you like it!
Best regards
Rute Perdiz