Resilience Satelle

Hello friendly web surfer!

Noam Rising the stairs actions is also completed:

…Looks kind of funny once you remove the motion of the main bone (so he walks in the same place) but I ensure you that is accurate :cowboy_hat_face:
Like always remember that the screen capturing software slows down the animation speed.

Next comes the “Stretch to leave the lantern on the hook” Action :slight_smile:
Until tomorrow!

Best regards

Hello guys!

Today I continued the new house for the village.
I finished modeling an external attachment to the house and installed the windows and doors.
Tomorrow I will develop more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

it may look funny to someone who stared at it for as long as you have, but rest assured, it looks spot on :smiley: :+1:

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Hehe thanks :blush: @Daedalus_MDW!
Until later today!

Hello guys!

Today I finished modeling the house.
Tomorrow I’ll start to texturize, and then I will make objects that will help to identify what kind of house it will be.
I think you can already understand what it will be.

Can you guess?
Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello friends!
Noam placing the lantern on the hook is also pretty much done.
I’ve already fixed the right foot, that, on this video, returns to place a bit too sluggish :slight_smile:

Like always have in mind that the screen capturing software makes everything look slower.
Also like always if you spot any clear mistake, please don’t be a stranger, let’s fix things wile possible :slight_smile:

Tomorrow action will be “Noam unlocks the door”.
Until tomorrow!

Reading and looking through all your progress really was amazing :0

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Hello @sunnywilson09!
Thanks for your time reading this topic! I’m really happy you’ve enjoyed the ride! :smiley:
Any Blender or project doubt feel free to ask.
Until next time! Stay healthy!

Hello guys!

Today I managed to texture the whole house.
Tomorrow I will make accessories and utensils to personalize it.

Can you guess what this house will be?

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

Hello Firends!
Here is current progress on the “Noam Unlocks the Door” action.

Still very W.I.P., we had some thunder around here and wasn’t able to do as much as I would like.
Tomorrow will be ready :slight_smile:

See you then!
Have a great day!

Hey there!
…And Noam Unlocking the door is complete:

I had great fun on this one!
…towards the end of the video you can see the key constraints locking and unlocking as it travels from Bag -> Foot -> Mouth -> Door :slight_smile: I’ve mastered these constrains on a job that had dozens of dozens of these constraints happening on the animation… this shot compared with that work is like “constraints for beginners” :laughing:

Tomorrow comes the "Noam Painting" action, so stay tuned and don’t miss the next episode because we wont either :wink:

Any issue with the animation don’t be a stranger! Lets fix it wile we can :slight_smile:
Animation speed is slower due the screen capturing software.

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Hello guys!

Today I bring you another house that is almost complete. I just need two objects to complete it.
Now you can understand that it is a tavern :slight_smile:

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello guys!

Today I finished the tavern. Only the bottles and the high stools were missing.
I started the outline of the new house, which will be on the side of the tavern, when it is placed on the scene.
I just shaped the roof yet.
Monday I will continue.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


Hello friends!

Before moving the the “Noam Painting” Action, I realized that I needed to make some tests to certify that the mixing of actions on the NLA editor would work. I was mostly afraid of the high complexity of the skeletons… and :thinking: well, apart for the Door key constraints that become insane and a couple of fast turns it looks… bad… but promising/fixable :slight_smile:

Now, Noam main bone is constrained to a Curve and is what makes Noam walk forward and turn. All the Actions are loaded by the NLA and mixed adjusting the Blende In/Out values to the best arrangement possible… In the end we can add another action on top of everything to fix the issues… or at least try to.

I made this many times in the past, but never for such complicated turns and for so long :cowboy_hat_face: I’m on an adventure with this one.

Let’s get visual:

Important notes:

  • This is a work camera, not the final shot camera.
  • This is all very W.I.P. and only gives you glimpses of the final result.

I’m tired of fighting the NLA for today! :laughing:
See you guys on Monday! Have a great Sunday!

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Hey there! Hope you guys hare having a great Sunday!
Many people have asked me how to pronounce Resilience Satelle :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Well… ear it straight from the horse’s mouth :sweat_smile:

Until tomorrow!


Hello guys!

Today I managed to further develop the new house I made. I detailed the roofs and windows that are on them and place the entrances.
Tomorrow I will continue more.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz

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Hello guys!

Today I continued the development of the new house I made for the village.
I made the balcony over the roof, place the wood on the walls of the house and made a piece of the fence.
The fence is not finished yet, but tomorrow it will be ready.
With all this, can you guess what kind of house it will be?

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


@Rute_Perdiz It looks awesome! Great work! :heart_eyes:

On the animation department things are moving and the “Noam Painting” action is finally all set up and ready to start:

…Although I’ve recently received work for clients and as such it may take a bit until I have more progress to show. Will get back a.s.a.p.
Best regards

Hello guys!

Today I finished the fence around the house and started placing the boards on the porch. It will still take time because I have to touch up some of the boards to be right with the fence railing.

Hope you like it!
Best regards,
Rute Perdiz


You guys are incredible. The entire locked down world should have a chance to enjoy your project, whenever you complete it. I can smell the fresh bread. Back to being a little boy, I want to run up & steal an apple… :smile:

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