Restored the mix_RGB node - huge time saver

I asked GPT chat to restore the mix RGB node. it saved me a lot of time :slight_smile:

Here’s the add-on: (1.0 KB)

If anyone can improve on this, please share!

Video Showcasing it:

Isn’t this addon just doing step 3 of the previous process? You click and end having one mix color disconnected. Wouldn’t it be easier to add a Favorite entry for a Mix color? (or just use Node wrangler…)

Personal opinion since you are just adding the node back in I would recommend checking which version of blender is being used given the “ShaderNodeMixRGB” will be phased out over future versions and replaced by “ShaderNodeMix”.

:anchor: T103333 Doesn’t find “mix rgb” node in shader nodes (

as such you could implement something like:

if context.blend_data.version < (3, 4, 0):
    new_node ="ShaderNodeMixRGB") # old mix rgb node
    new_node ="ShaderNodeMix") # new mix node
    new_node.data_type = 'RGBA'

and work from there on linking.


I honestly did not think of that- tho, I cant code :slight_smile: I just copied from GPT.


Any chance you know how to just make this a subclass of the ShaderNodeMix so that it can be added from the search menu. I have figured out how to do this alteration you mentioned. And figured out how to add custom nodes separately. I just can’t seem to initialize or copy the node TO a custom node using super(), so I just get a blank node or nodes that have inputs/outputs but are different.

I also decided to use the work from Oby1+GPT to just make it a quick favorite which does let me press Q and is faster than searching, but my muscle memory makes me want to type it in.

In the end I’m just trying to revert what I see as a UX mistake. Even if they’re going to do this Mix change, they could have left in the shortcut and had it produce a Mix node with color selected. They even have Mix Color if you go through the menus. Why they’d remove it from search is beyond me.

Thanks. Sorry for the mini rant.

Hey that’s a cool use of GPT,
On the overall I’m not sure if adding a button only for that is a good practice…

Just in case , I share another way to save a bit of time here without any addon…

First you drag a link , like so :

When you release that menu appear , you type m :

And type enter :

this allows to find many nodes based on context and it applies to a lot of case.

another way is to do Shift-A , enter, type “mc”, enter

I think that node wrangler as some lazy link functionality too…

Have fun !


I think you need to do “cm” instead of “mc” but otherwise this works! NICE! Thank you!

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