Restrict rotation (stiffness) of the tail bone in IK chain

Seams that I cant constrain rotation or the stiffness in the first bone in Ik chain (tail) (and with IK on other constraints dont work)
Any workaround?
Honeycam 2024-04-05 00-04-20
I would like IK to have very low influence on the clavicle bone that is the first in the chain

Not an answer to your question, but this isn’t how shoulders work, you don’t want the clavicle in your IK chain. The motion of the shoulder is unrelated to the motion of the arm- and entirely different mechanically - our brains just subconsciously chain them together


Nice, I was missing the arguing in art forums :smiley:
Btw it totally physically connected, just observe your own arm and shoulder.

You can also argue that any finger is also a part of an IK chain. But that would make the problem at hand (sorry) absolutely unmanageable. The real arm is so much more complex mechanism with all kinds of constraints on it - different joint types, mechanical restriction of having actual meat on it, even muscle memory…
Better to break things into practical, more predictable, chunks and start building up from there :person_shrugging:

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You can constraint rotation and stiffness on first bone, provided it doesn’t have a pole target.

If I want to make an IK clavicle, well, I’ve never done it perfectly, but I will typically do a non-deforming 2-bone IK chain and then have the clavicle track that chain somehow (there’s more than one way,) then do the humerus and radius as another IK.

C’mon man, that doesn’t help anyone, but especially not you. You’re looking for help and if it looks like what you’re actually after is trouble, people will just ignore you and you won’t get any help.

The main issue is that a 2-bone IK (with proper limits, ball-socket humerus and hinge forearm) is determined, but a 3-bone IK isn’t. So you have to do a bunch of adjustment.

If you look on Youtube etc, you’ll see people doing clavicle drivers from the position of the hand target. Which I don’t think is good-- shoulder depends on elbow, not hand-- but it might be good enough for you.


It seams to me that the stiffness can be assigned to the angle between 2 bones, but it cant be assigned to the first point in the chain.

Thx, that might be good enough approximation, will try!

I remember now there is an addon i purchased time ago will try that as well

Feels to me that ppl got less passionate about their art work and more professional. There was a very popular concept art tutorial studio called massiveblack, and the name was chosen so when ppl searched for pirated tutorials they would got something else.