Retopo triangles?

I just wanted to ask, how critical is it that no triangles show up in topology (supposing you wanted to later rig a model for animation)? Would it be ok if a single triangle appeared, say, at the tip of a finger where only 1 bone would control it? Where is it more important that everything stays as quads? Thanks!

According to what I found on the internet, it only depends on whether your going to subdivide the model later. Subdivided triangles make the surface look weird/wrinkly sometimes.

If it’s a “game-ready” model, you can use as many tris as you need - it’s ALL going to be triangles anyway :person_shrugging: Keeping quads makes it easier to model though.

And even if it’s going to be subdivided you still can get away with tris (especially if you hide them in less visible parts).

…that’s what I heard anyway…


For good animation edge flow topology, it’s actually not possible to avoid triangles in a few key places. Don’t stress it, @stray said everything else you need to know :slight_smile: